Home » A resident of Germany lost $ 500,000, believing Elon Musk's fake tweet

A resident of Germany lost $ 500,000, believing Elon Musk's fake tweet

by alex

A Cologne resident cannot forgive himself for his own gullibility – all the money that he put aside for early retirement and children's vacations went to scammers.

A frustrated German, who did not introduce himself by his real name Sebastian, said that when his wife went to bed after watching the series together, he lingered in the living room with a phone in his hands. At that moment, a mysterious tweet from Elon Musk appeared with the words “Dojo 4 Doge?”

Deciding to find out what this means, the man found a link under the post that led him to a page with an action of unprecedented generosity: the site administrators, posing as the Tesla team, offered everyone who wanted to transfer bitcoins in the amount of 0.1 to 20 ($ 6000- $ 1.2 million) and promised to double the purchase amount after the timer placed on the page is reset.

Sebastian understood – his finest hour had come. And he transferred all his savings – 10 bitcoins (more than $ 500,000 dollars) to the wallet indicated on the website.

After the timer reset to zero and the money was never returned, he believed in a miracle for some time. But the miracle never happened.

– I threw my head back on the pillow, my heart was pounding, I thought: well, I just deprived my family of a fortune, said goodbye to the funds that I was saving for an early retirement, and canceled all the upcoming holidays with children. I went up to my bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed, woke my wife up and told her that I had made a mistake, a terrible mistake.

Later, analysts from Whale Alert said that they watched in horror as Sebastian transferred his hard-earned money to scammers, and later saw how the cryptocurrency went to an anonymous recipient.

Some time ago, employees of Whale Alert, who figured out which wallets are used by specialists in “free giveaways”, unsuccessfully tried to get the authorities to take any action.

Despite the fact that Sebastian's 10 bitcoins became the largest catch of fraudsters, their earnings are amazing – in the first three months of this year alone, criminals managed to lure $ 18 million worth of cryptocurrencies out of the wallets of gullible Germans.

According to experts, 2021 promises to be very fruitful for scammers.

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