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A plastic-free home

by alex

Simple tips on how to gradually get rid of plastic at home.

Countless objects in our apartment are made of plastic. The author Charlotte Schüler writes in her book “Do it yourself! #Simply live plastic-free “, how you can do without plastic step by step. Of course, living plastic-free won't happen overnight and will hardly be 100 percent successful, but the more you pay attention to it, the more you protect the environment.

Conscious handling

Many people already buy their groceries with a cloth bag. In general, when it comes to food, plastic can be avoided by paying attention to the packaging: buy the loose tomatoes instead of the shrink-wrapped ones, the food is stored in glasses or cloth bags.

For example, you can also freeze bread in cotton bags. There are beautiful stainless steel solutions for lunch boxes, straws or ice cubes. Cling film can be replaced with recyclable beeswax towels. Unpackaged shops, farmers' markets or regional organic boxes offer a good alternative for weekly shopping.

It would be counterproductive if you started to throw away all plastic objects at home and only provide for more plastic waste. It is better: You start with the everyday objects: buy curd soap instead of liquid soap in the dispenser, use wooden toothbrushes.

Small tips with a big impact

If you need a new product such as a wooden spoon, cutting board, kettle or even an entire piece of furniture, there are always alternative materials. Even with the cleaning agents there are tabs that you can fill into a glass bottle when you use it.

Washing powder can also be found in paper packaging. Home textiles such as curtains, bed linen, tea towels, etc. should be made of natural fibers, because small plastic fibers are detached from plastic textiles when washing.

The most important thing is to develop an awareness of how to deal with plastic. This can be achieved through regular practice and over time you will automatically use fewer plastic products.

A plastic-free home

Do it yourself! #Simply live plastic-free: Homemade instead of bought by Charlotte Schüler, published by Suedwest Verlag, € 18.50.

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