Home » A plane crashed in the USA: no one survived (photo)

A plane crashed in the USA: no one survived (photo)

by alex

So far the causes of the tragedy are unknown.

In Nashville (USA, Tennessee), a passenger single-engine plane. As a result, five people died.

ABC News writes about this.

It is indicated that the Nashville John Thune Airport control tower received a message from a pilot at approximately 19:40 ET on Monday (00:40 GMT on Tuesday) that their aircraft had experienced engine failure and power supply.

The message also stated that the plane needed permission to land. The plane was allowed to land. However, when he set course for the airport, the pilot contacted the tower again to say that the plane would not arrive.

“The collision was catastrophic and left no one alive,” a police spokesman said.

В США разбился самолет: никто не выжил (фото)

A Nashville Fire Department spokesman told the station that the plane exploded on impact. Local authorities are working with federal authorities to determine where the plane came from. Authorities also do not yet know who was on board.

Recall that in Poland a plane fell on a building in which people were hiding from a thunderstorm. As a result of the accident, 5 were killed and many were injured.

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