It was this mystery that inspired Chukovsky to “The Stolen Sun”! So it seems to us.
It seems that the sun is not an object of such a scale that one should be searched ah. Even if he hides behind the horizon or in the sea, you just need to run to the other end of the Earth – and here it is, please. Intact. Sits to himself.
But the sun, which is a mystery, is not quite ordinary. From another galaxy, I guess. Because the strange itself behaves strangely. Firstly, it hides among ice cream, candies and other quickly melting objects. Secondly, it is a gigantic number of times smaller than ours, its size is such that, as you can see, it allows it to easily hide behind one of the sweets in this picture.
Can't you see? But you must. Must see. That's exactly what you're here for. Let's help ourselves with a hint: the drawn sun is as yellow and round as the real one.
The record of finding the sun is 62 seconds, the authors of the riddle inspire. If you are a busy person and you don’t have that much time, look at the answer and keep on living, burning and shining. Be like the sun!
Will it be too little? Then here is a riddle for you, over which you will have to beat hard: where is the egg?
The picture was conceived and drawn by the foreign company Electric Radiators Direct.
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