Home » A monolithic “wishing stone” made of jade was found in Hattusa: what is known about it

A monolithic “wishing stone” made of jade was found in Hattusa: what is known about it

by alex

During the Hittite Empire, "wishing stone" could have religious significance.

In Hattusa, the capital of the ancient Hittite kingdom, a monolithic jade stone was discovered – it is called the “wishing stone”. Scientists have not yet fully figured out what the artifact is.

IFLScience writes about this.

As noted, in the ancient ruins of the Great Temple, in the territory of modern Turkey, a massive cubic stone made of jade was found. Locals call it the “wishing stone.” During the Hittite Empire it may have had religious significance.

Hittite Empire from 2000 BC. e. before 1340 BC e. flourished as the largest state in the Middle East. At its zenith, the capital of Hattusa, with a population of approximately 40,000 to 50,000, boasted majestic temples, royal residences and strong fortifications.

However, already around 1200 BC. e. the city gradually fell into decay, leaving behind numerous artifacts and ruins, in particular the jade monolith located in the Great Temple.

Interestingly, this greenish-colored stone, made of serpentinite or jade, is distinguished by its unique preservation in the form of a solid monolith.

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