Home » A man can no longer have children due to a fatal mistake by surgeons: what happened

A man can no longer have children due to a fatal mistake by surgeons: what happened

by alex

He turned to doctors because of a completely different problem.

An Argentinean experienced the shock of his life after suffering , as he thought, it was a gall bladder operation, but later learned that doctors performed a vasectomy.

Oddity Central writes about this.

41-year-old Jorge Baseto went to the Florencio Diaz Provincial Hospital in Cordoba for gall bladder surgery. The operation was scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, but the procedure was soon postponed to the next day. It was probably this small detail that caused the viral scandal of medical negligence that swept the entire country.

On the day of the operation, hospital staff entered the patient’s room, put him on a stretcher and, Without asking anything, they took me to the operating room. The doctors also couldn't check his medical records, so they simply performed the surgery scheduled for that day – a vasectomy.

When Jorge came to after the operation, he had no idea what had happened, but then a doctor came to him and, after looking at his chart, told him the shocking news: instead of the planned gallbladder surgery, he had a vasectomy. The Argentine was speechless for several minutes, then began to panic, but he didn’t have much time for this, because he was soon scheduled for surgery, which he had to do first.

After his second surgery, Jorge Baseto wanted to know how the mistake happened and what could be done to reverse the vasectomy. The doctors continued to blame each other for this mistake and advised the patient not to be too dramatic, since he could still conceive children through artificial insemination if he wanted.

“This is very weird because my chart says 'gallbladder' all over it. All they had to do was read it, you don't have to be a scientist to figure it out,” Jorge told Argentine new publication El Doce. “I don't want to point fingers at anyone, but no one here is taking responsibility. They're focusing on saying, 'Well, don't be so dramatic, because through fertilization you can still have a baby.'” < /p>

Jorge Diego Larry's lawyer said his client is devastated. Although he is the father of two boys, the man was in a new relationship and had plans to have a child with his new love in the future. They would obviously like to conceive naturally, but now they only have IVF as an option.

“I'm angry and helpless because what they did is irreversible, it can't be changed,” Jorge said. “I just can’t understand this level of carelessness, how someone could make such a huge mistake.”

He plans to sue the doctors and medical facility for negligence.

Recall that a man was found in an apartment with his penis bitten off. Among the suspects is a small dog.

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