Home » A help service in the “one window” mode for families with children will appear in all regions by the end of the year

A help service in the “one window” mode for families with children will appear in all regions by the end of the year

by alex

Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, and Alexey Goreslavsky, Director General of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization for the Development of Digital Projects in the Sphere of Public Relations and Communication “Dialog”, signed an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the project, which will be implemented by the end of this year.

The help service for children and families with children will become a “one-stop shop” for various issues: from resolving an emergency situation to counseling and providing the necessary information. The helpdesk will combine a single phone number, an online platform with a feedback form and a specially designed chatbot that will answer the most common questions and reduce the burden on departments to respond to each call.

The assistance system will include not only state and municipal organizations, but also volunteer movements, NGOs and public organizations, charitable foundations and other structures.

The “one window” assistance service for families with children will start working in all regions of Russia by the end of the year. In the near future, pilot regions will be identified for the implementation of the project. The start of the service will provide regional leaders with feedback on the “pain points” in the social sphere and will allow them to find effective solutions to these problems.

ANO “Dialogue” will act as the operator of the project, in its area of responsibility – building a monitoring and routing system, as well as accumulating the actions of various departments, organizations and services to address social issues.

“Every word, every phrase of the document signed today reflects the large-scale work that we have done together with ANO Dialogue, with the team of a new project that was born as a result of our interaction. This project will bring social support and assistance closer to people, ”said Anna Kuznetsova at the ceremony of signing the agreement.

She emphasized that the implementation of the project will allow citizens not to run around the departments, collecting pieces of paper and studying the features of their work, but to receive assistance in an application form, thanks to modern digital technologies.

In turn, Aleksey Goreslavsky expressed his readiness to make every effort to achieve results in all regions of the country – to build an algorithm for providing social assistance to citizens so that each request would get to the right specialist as quickly as possible.

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