Home » A German journalist received 600 thousand euros from Russia: the media found out the details

A German journalist received 600 thousand euros from Russia: the media found out the details

by alex

Hubert Seipel and a book about Putin / Collage 24 Channel

German journalist and biographer Hubert Seipel is known as one of the leading “Russian experts”. He received more than 600 thousand euros from offshore companies associated with someone close to Vladimir Putin.

German journalists found confirmation that Hubert Seipel entered into a contract with Russia and received funding. He appeared on talk shows on ARD as a “Russia expert”, wrote books about the Kremlin and made a film about Putin.

Sponsorship contract for a book project

A few months ago, journalists gained access to leaked data known as Cyprus Confidential.

These documents found evidence that Seipel had received Russian funding since 2018 to write his book, published in 2021, “Putin’s Power. Why Europe Needs Russia.”

The author is preparing a book about the political environment in Russia, which should be published in 2019. The sponsor expressed a desire to support the development of the project and make it more accessible to a wider audience, the contract says.

Seipel also promised “logistical and organizational support” during the collection of information in Russia.

According to the contract, Seipel should receive 600 thousand euros in three installments during 2018 – 2020, but the money was paid in two transfers – in April 2018 and the remaining 400 thousand – in April 2019.

An additional entry to the contract indicates that there was likely a similar agreement in 2013 for the biography book “Putin. The Logic of Power.” Both books were published by a reputable German publishing house. In particular, his documentary film “I, Putin. Portrait” (2012) was nominated for a German television award for best reporting. However, criticism considered it insufficiently objective.

The money was paid through a company in the Virgin Islands

The money was transferred through a company registered in the Virgin Islands, De Vere Worldwide Corporation, whose real owner is considered to be Russian oligarch Alexey Mordashov.

In addition, before the transfer of funds to Seipel, money from other companies associated with Mordashev was received into the accounts of this company. Hubert Zapel confirmed, at the request of journalists who received support through Alexey Mordashov. However, he noted that the businessman “did not influence the content of his books.” The contract itself states that the author “has no obligations to the sponsor regarding the book project.”

Reaction of the TV channel where Zapel worked

The ARD television channel and its affiliated broadcaster NDR have been listening to stories about Russia from a Kremlin-funded journalist for many years, particularly after the occupation of Crimea.

Now NDR is reacting to the situation and creating a commission of inquiry under the leadership of former Spiegel editor-in-chief Steffen Klusmann. She must investigate Seipel's hidden payments.

NDR director Joachim Knuth expressed suspicion that the audience had been deliberately deceived and noted that investigations were ongoing and legal action was being considered.

“We will carefully review the processes involved in ordering and selling films produced by Hubert Seipel for NDR,” he said.

Seipel last worked for the broadcaster in 2019.

What is known about Hubert Seipel's relations with Russia

  • In 2009, Seipel released a documentary about Gazprom, and then his first meeting with Putin took place. Since then, he claims to have met with the Russian president more than a hundred times, participating in various events, including hunting, playing billiards, hockey, training judo and swimming pool.
  • He wrote two books about Russia and Putin: “Putin's Power. Why Europe Needs Russia” and “Putin. The Logic of Power.”
  • In November 2014, he conducted a half-hour prime-time interview with Putin.
  • In the final weeks before February 24, 2022, Seipel expressed the opinion that NATO was “surrounding Putin” and expressed confidence that he would not enter the war.

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