Home » A former scout accused a Saudi Prince in an attempt to kill him

A former scout accused a Saudi Prince in an attempt to kill him

by alex

Mohammad bin Salman al Saud

Former scout Saad Jabri accused the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman in an attempt to kill him. He filed a lawsuit in a U.S. court. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

It is noted that Saudi Prince captured the children Gabri — Omar and Sarah in order to lure him back into the Kingdom, then allegedly sent a group of assassins to Canada, where he now lives, the former scout. The expected attack was prevented by canadian law enforcement.

The lawsuit States that this occurred about two weeks after the murder of journalist Jamal Hakuji. Jabri said that long was aware of confidential information that discredits the Prince. However, he enjoyed the confidence of the US intelligence and closely cooperate with them. This forced Mohammed bin Salman to attempt to murder, said a former scout.

Jabri also gave the court the screenshots correspondence from 2017 with a man who, according to him, is the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The interlocutor asks the scout to return to the UK within 24 hours. “You have two choices. The first is to return to the Kingdom. Second, we will pursue you through legal channels and using all available methods”, — says the interlocutor Jabri.

Earlier it became known that the family of Saad Jabri pursue power. This was told by the eldest son of intelligence officer Khalid. In March, his children were abducted by security officers. At the moment they are in jail, they are not allowed to correspond and receive visitors.

Saad Jabri was an adviser to Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who led the fight against illicit international group “al-Qaeda” in Saudi Arabia in the early 2000s, and is the main competitor of crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Jabri was the main link in the contacts between the intelligence of Saudi Arabia with services to the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Sources in Western intelligence claim that Saudi intelligence officer saved hundreds of lives by exposing the conspiracy of the militants — he found out in 2010 on Board the plane EN route from Yemen to Chicago, was the bomb. It failed to disarm.

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