Home » A couple of American retirees drove away the robbers with a cane

A couple of American retirees drove away the robbers with a cane

by alex

A real criminal showdown took place in the US state of Illinois. A man came to the house where a married couple of pensioners lived. He introduced himself as a utility worker who, due to a recent fire in a neighbor's house, needed to check the electrical panel and fire alarm.

Unsuspecting elderly Americans let the man in and went down with him to the basement where the counters were. But then the wife of 81-year-old Dan Donavan heard strange rustles from the second floor and told her husband about it. He immediately realized that thieves had entered the house, while the deceitful public utility was distracting their attention.

Dan was a Marine and knew how to deal with difficult situations. Running out of the basement, he saw already on the first floor two robbers, who were carrying a pillowcase full of stolen things.

Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed an old Irish cane that stood in the corner and struck several blows at the intruders with it. Then the pensioner ran out into the street and hit the windshield of their car a couple of times, smashing it to smithereens.

“I hope I got the shit out of their heads,” Dan Donavan said. – And after they come to their senses, they decide to do something else.

After the incident, he did not remove from a prominent place the Irish cane that he inherited from his father. On the contrary, he put it closer to the front door so that he could use it again on occasion.

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