Home » A connection was found between the blood group and a more severe course of COVID-19

A connection was found between the blood group and a more severe course of COVID-19

by alex

Virologist Netesov said that people with the first blood group are easier to tolerate the course of COVID-19

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Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Virology of Novosibirsk State University Sergey Netesov told about the discovered connection between what type of blood a person has and the severity of COVID-19. His words leads “Газета.Ru “.

According to the expert, there is a certain pattern associated with a person’s blood type. For example, patients with the first blood group tolerate the disease more easily, while those with the second group tolerate the coronavirus more difficult. He stressed that the presence of certain patterns has not yet been revealed, and research continues.

The virologist said that at present it is difficult to say what exactly such a connection may be due to. However, there is a much clearer connection with the functioning of the interferon alpha system, the medic added.

Earlier, American doctors found out that with the severe course of the coronavirus, defects occur in special channels of the brain. These channels are responsible for protein accumulations in neurofibrillary tangles. Scientists have studied the brains of people who died due to COVID-19. They found the same changes in the composition of neurons that occur in Alzheimer’s disease.

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