Home » A cardiologist called a deadly trend for the audience of the Olympics

A cardiologist called a deadly trend for the audience of the Olympics

by alex

Cardiologist Ivanov explained how watching the Olympic Games harms the audience

Photo: Phil Noble / Reuters

A cardiologist, head of the Center for Cardiology and Therapy of the Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Konstantin Ivanov, called a trend that is deadly for spectators of the Olympic Games. His words are broadcast by radio Sputnik.

Ivanov noted that during the period of watching the Olympics, many begin to play sports more actively and try to repeat the movements of professional athletes. According to him, this can harm and even lead to tragedies. The cardiologist explained that professionals are able to endure such loads that an unprepared person cannot cope with. “With pronounced sports loads, our heart can contract more than 200 times per minute and pump up to 35 liters of blood during this time,” he said. The specialist added that this is a crazy load, even if the heart is adapted to constant training.

“Repeat exercises after athletes is a fashion trend. But the problem is that this can then very seriously affect the health of an unprepared person. It is better to do physical education and make sure that the heart rate does not exceed 120-140 beats per minute, ”Ivanov recommended.

Earlier, a cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences Asiyat Khachirova called on Russians to “slow down” in sex after suffering a coronavirus. She explained that COVID-19 often affects the cardiovascular system, so after an illness, you should adapt this physical activity to your condition so as not to get a heart attack.

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