Home ยป A 38-year-old American with a chronic runny nose found a tooth

A 38-year-old American with a chronic runny nose found a tooth

by alex

Doctors removed a tooth.

For several years, 38-year-old the New Yorker suffered from shortness of breath in his right nostril. The man decided to fix this problem a few years after its appearance.

Gizmodo writes about this.

As a result of the examination, doctors discovered a deviated nasal septum and “white bone mass, sticking out from the bottom of the nostril. “

After analysis using computed tomography, the doctors accurately determined that this mass is a tooth growing where it should not be. It was an ectopic tooth, and they can arise for various reasons.

With the help of a surgical intervention, a 14 mm tooth was removed.

According to doctors, such ectopic teeth appear very rarely, it is can occur from 0.1% to 1% of people. But most of the time, these teeth remain in the mouth and are easy to spot. And very rarely, an inverted tooth can occur, which can penetrate the nasal cavity.

Recall, in Egypt, doctors removed a push-button telephone from a man's stomach. The patient admitted to the doctors that he had swallowed the device for six months back and hesitated to ask for help, although all this time he suffered from pain.

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