Home » 60% of the most popular Android apps have vulnerabilities

60% of the most popular Android apps have vulnerabilities

by alex

Synopsys has evaluated the security of the most popular downloadable Android apps. It turned out that 60% of applications have at least one vulnerability. In total, experts have identified 3137 unique problems that can lead to data leakage.

A total of 3335 most downloaded mobile apps for Android were analyzed in 18 categories. We are talking about the most popular areas: games, financial utilities and others.

Most applications (98%) are open source, that is, written by someone else. Each of the 20 components that make up such applications are considered vulnerable.

On average, each application with potentially dangerous code has 39 information security problems. In total, the company discovered 3,137 unique vulnerabilities.

Only about 5 percent of security holes are currently unpatched, and 1% of vulnerabilities can be activated remotely.

At the same time, 46% belong to the “high risk group”. With and with help, attackers can easily gain access to user data. Track the pages he visits, steal passwords and possibly access online banks.

Experts tend to trust the study, but add that with a high degree of probability the situation on iOS may be the same or even worse, the Izvestia newspaper writes.

Yuri Samonkin, President of the Eurasian Institute of Youth Initiatives, explained how you can resist cybercriminals who are trying to steal information from a person's online bank.

Often, criminals try to steal the login and password of an online bank through dummy pages of credit institutions, writes FAN.

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