Home ยป 46 migrants found dead in US van

46 migrants found dead in US van

by alex

At least 46 people died in San Antonio, 16 were hospitalized.

Police officers found bodies at least 46 migrants in a truck trailer in San Antonio, Texas, USA.

This is reported by CNN.

16 people, including four children were hospitalized. According to officials, the victims included both men and women, and many young people.

The dead were discovered by a man who saw that the door of the truck was partially open. When he opened the door, he saw dead people.

“We know of 46 people who are no longer with us, who had families who were probably trying to find a better life. And we have 16 people who are fighting for their lives in the hospital,” the mayor of San Antonio said.

Those found alive were hot to the touch and all had heat stroke, according to San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood. exhaustion.

There was no water in the refrigerated container trailer, and the air conditioner was not working.

Federal authorities are now investigating the case. Currently, 3 people are in custody, but it is unclear whether they were involved in the incident.

Recall that at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport on January 23 from a man was found who had flown in from South Africa as a “hare” in the landing gear compartment of a cargo liner and at the same time remained alive.

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