Home » 44% of Russians, especially young people, are already asking for “peace talks” – ISW

44% of Russians, especially young people, are already asking for “peace talks” – ISW

by alex

In Russia, the percentage of people supporting the war in Ukraine has slightly decreased over the summer. However, in the future, this trend may affect the general public support for hostilities.

Most Russians still support the war. Such a survey was conducted by the Russian independent research organization Levada.

How do Russians feel about the war

76% of respondents spoke in favor of the actions of Russian troops in Ukraine :

  • 46% strongly support;
  • 30% of all support.

48% of Russians believe that the so-called “special operation”, as they call it, should be continued. At the same time, 44% of those polled were in favor of “peace talks.” Most of them are people aged 18-39.

In March 2022, Levada found that 53% of respondents strongly supported Russia's military actions in Ukraine, but by August, the percentage of respondents in this category had dropped to 46%. – the report says.

According to the American Institute for the Study of War, this will not fundamentally affect the ability of the Kremlin to wage war. However, dwindling support and war weariness may increasingly hamper Russian recruiting efforts.

Update on Ukraine-Russia talks

  • Talks between Russia and Ukraine have halted. The Office of the President believes that there is no point in restoring them for the time being. After all, Russia will continue to issue ultimatums.
  • It will be possible to resume negotiations only after Russia begins to suffer serious setbacks at the front. This will force the enemy to abandon their imperialist dreams and negotiate.
  • Some European countries are calling on Kyiv and Moscow to negotiate. However, they are based on assumptions that turned out to be wrong back in 2008 and 2014.
  • By the way, in Russia they brazenly say that their condition for peace is the “capitulation and denazification” of Ukraine.

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