Home » 189 air alerts: Putin again showed the real causes of the war

189 air alerts: Putin again showed the real causes of the war

by alex

Not yours, so you're mad. 189 air alerts. Record. This is how Putin congratulated us on Independence Day.

The Russians have been accumulating missiles for weeks, so that later in one day they will hit more massively than we are used to. So that in Kyiv the time without alarms would be shorter than the time with alarms.

Was there any military sense in this?

Hardly. It's like opening the subway for a memorable date. Stupid Soviet tradition. What was it then? Typical hysteria. From impotence.

Tantrums are triggered when there are no other arguments left. When even the argument of military force stopped working. Tantrums are always like a confession. Recognition of his defeat.

Putin behaved like a classic abusive husband, from whom his wife left, and on the anniversary of the separation he made a brawl and drunkenly shouted that she was only him. Once again demonstrating that the ex-wife made the right decision. Getting rid of this inadequate.

Putin wanted to spoil the holiday? And vice versa emphasized its importance. Those guests who wanted to congratulate us, and so came. Important guests and true friends. And the parade on Khreshchatyk this year is one that is not afraid of Russian missiles.

Putin again showed the causes of the war

Not a mythical entry into NATO, which would not have happened. Nor hateful denazification and demilitarization. This is Ukrainian independence. She keeps him awake at night. And he can't do anything about it.

Putin was shouting about NATO, which is creeping towards the borders of Russia. But the Finns and Swedes joined NATO, and Putin could only respond with black PR to the Finnish Prime Minister. And Ukrainian independence forced him to start a war. Put everything on the line. And lose.

We haven't won yet, we are paying an insane price for independence, but Putin has already lost. And he knows it. And that's why he throws tantrums from impotence on the Independence Day of Ukraine. The most important day of the year for him. And the most important day for us. Now the most important.

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